With SymbalooEDU teachers can organize and share the best of the web with their students.
SymbalooEDU is a free educational tool that allows teachers and students to
save their online resources in the cloud with access from any device.
Teachers can easily save their favorite web 2.0 sites to a webmix with just
a few clicks then share it with colleagues or students. With an account a
users resources are available on any smartphone, PC, Mac and tablet.
"SymbalooEDU is truly a tool that can empower students and if applied with
teacher support, can facilitate digital literacy skills and support life
long learning." - Wendy Drexler
The main advantages of SymbalooEDU are:
•Never have to type in an address manually saving time in the classroom
•One click takes teachers or students to important websites and
•Provides a safe web environment for student learning
•Resources are saved in the cloud so they can be accessed from any
•Free and without advertising
Thousands of teachers have already published webmixes to the gallery for
other teachers to easily find and use (a web mix is a collection of links
around a specific topic). With a touch of a finger a teacher or student can
add a webmix to their SymbalooEDU account.
•SymbalooEDU resources automatically sync between a user's smartphone, PC,
Mac, and tablet
•Instantly add new websites and web 2.0 tool to SymbalooEDU
•Integrated RSS reader for all news sources
•Search the web directly from within the app
•Share resources with Twitter, mail or bluetooth
•Personalize SymbalooEDU app with custom background
Download the app and see how easy it is to share resources with your
More information: <a href="https://www.google.com/url?q=https://www.google.com/url?q%3Dhttp://symbalooEDU.com%26sa%3DD%26usg%3DAFQjCNHjqs5jWczUp-92YAdTI0r1oQRIMw&sa=D&usg=AFQjCNGsz5hrO8s2adVCqa4AJ8Tp8U0vmg" target="_blank">http://symbalooEDU.com</a>
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